Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 24 – 19 January 2013. Punta Arenas to Santiago…eventually.

Up to pack up, Mary for the last time, some of my gear going home with Mary – thanks so much.

We walked back to Chocolatte for a last drink, their wi-fi wasn’t working and to the market in the Plaza de Armas one more time, then check out and to the airport.

We learnt this morning via a message from Kate on Facebook that Mary’s flight times had changed, on check in we learnt that it was no longer 23.20 but 2.30 am, which meant she misses her connecting flight from Auckland to Melbourne – a quick call to flight centre and we now await the outcome at Punta Arenas check in.

We have arrived several hours early but LAN desks not open, so waiting in a long line.

About 30 minutes later one desk open. Through check in at 1.45. Our plane to Santiago is now delayed also, by about 90 minutes, so a few hours to wait here and late arrival in Santiago.

Finally we boarded read to depart a little after 5.25, once again Mary and I were not allocated seats together, me at 5a and Mary at 26l. Luckily I had two spare seats beside me so the flight attendant moved Mary up.

Some excellent views of mountains and glaciers feeding into lakes, with the coast nearby. There were the hugest icefields with numerous glaciers coming off them.

Some glaciers run almost to the coast, forming their own delta even.

Plane arrived an hour earlier than expected, but had to disembark via tarmac and buses on the cargo side of the airport, then a verrrrry long wait for my bag. Found LAN officer for Mary – but not much help, however she has her flight to Auckland sorted. By now its 10.36 having a bite for tea, goodbye to Mary and off to find a transfer to my hotel. Left Mary at 11.30 made it to San Galerias about midnight, only to learn that the city is closed tomorrow for the Dakkar Rally so no taxis to get me to bus. Will tackle the subway to Central Station.  Sad to say Hooroo to Mary as she continues the journey home plagued by delayed flights and uncertain connections. No blogging tonight, must get to bed.
Plaza de Armas, for the very last time.

Punta Arenas Aeropuerto - with lunch on LAN airlines, thanks to a delay.

A glacier on the flight back.

There were at least 7 glaciers I think, flowing into this lake.

The dark lines, clearly show the coming together of two glaciers.


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